God has blessed Freedom International Church with incredible leadership. Pastors John and Rhonda Leslie, who oversee our worship and youth at Freedom, led this team. Bridging the communication gap was Pastor Roger Smithson, who did a great job coordinating all the translation.
What a joy for me to join them for part of their trip. All the leaders on the team did a great job teaching our kids as well as ministering cross-culturally. Andy and Joy Morey brought a tremendous amount of experience in ministry and working with youth. Patricia Thorne, who is bilingual, served wonderfully and tirelessly as a translator. And the students – Ian Hammond, Phil Leslie, Caleb Morey, Bethany Looi, Naje Jones, Miranda Morey, Tori Leslie – each came with a heart to serve.
The team ministered with worship, drama and puppets. Over 200 children and young people were impacted by their ministry. Days were filled with vacation Bible school, youth rallies and revival meetings.
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