It was an honor for me to serve again with my dad in ministry, this time at a conference in Haiti. I am so thankful for my dad. His 48 years of ministry experience is a great example to me and he has mentored me in so many ways.
Our host was Dr. Dieugrand Jacques of New Alliance Ministries in Thomazeau, Haiti. We ministered in a pretty under-developed area (no electricity or running water). Over 300 hundred people packed into the venue each night. Although these were revival meetings with most people already living for the Lord, there were some salvations. I remember one night 6 people came forward for salvation, and then I prayed individually for another 103 people who had prayed to receive the Lord, but were not sure of their salvation. As you know, Haiti is known for voodoo. When I gave the call to break fear, more than half of the congregation responded. I believe many were set free that night.
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